Monday, September 22, 2014

Six Word Memoirs

Art; your own expression of yourself.
Opportunity is nothing, without any action.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Stories and Truths

I think many things play a major role in making a story worth hearing.  Something that makes a story worth listening to is when the story fits the interests of the reader.  Another common thing that makes a story worth paying attention to is when the reader feels like they can relate to the story on a deeper level and as if,  they have something in common with a character or person in the story, or they are in a similar situation to a character or person from a story.  One more thing that makes a story worth hearing, is if the story is well told and has a powerful message or point that it conveys, and makes you want to understand something on a deeper level.

This is a story that I listened to on Story Corps that I found super fascinating.  The story is about a woman who becomes friends with the man who murdered her son.  The story is worth listening to because it is extremely crazy to put yourself in the shoes of either of the people.  The story is very gripping and well told.  The story also shows how forgiving people can be, even when people may not think that it is even possible.  I enjoyed this story a lot more than the ones that we read in class.  This is because the stories we heard in class are not extremely interesting or appealing to me.  This story on the other hand, was crazy and it is just a real life story about something that would would never think could happen but did.  

Something that makes me different is that I work a lot as well as attend school.  This makes me unique because it's something that not a lot of kids do anymore.  However, I have worked ever since I was able to.