In this early scene it depicts his daughter blocking the exit of her house with a big pile of boxes. This shot has a bright light coming through where the exit is showing a great focus on the bright background. This whole music video is kind of a flash forward video because he dreams the whole series of events. It's also a pretty sad genre. The whole video is based off of his challenges and his fears in his everyday life.

In this scene he is punching out a reflection of himself earlier that night. The editing is very good and shows how fast paced his thoughts are moving and how fast his emotions are changing by moving scenes quickly without much transition. The plot of this video is to show a nightmare of Eminem's. It basically consists of him waking up to go leave to perform and how he feels that that is causing his family to much stress because they feel almost abandoned.
In the final scenes, however, the story changes to show that his family has a more powerful bond than that. He is blessed that they are able to stay strong and even though he is not always around they can keep each other in mind and remain a strong family even after facing all the challenges in their road ahead. The mise-en-scene here is very happy and shows a dynamic of a happy family. This shot is focused on light and vibrant colors to help convey happiness.