Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blog Post 10

Technology today is second hand to most of us, we have grown up with it and it has molded us. But when technology first came out it was a bunch of machines that were built by hand, and not everyone had them. Now it has advanced into a huge entire industry where almost every single person now can afford to purchase different things. For example, now everyone can purchase a microphone, computer, video camera, etc. Although these inventions and the new technology has been great, it has created a lot of controversy as to whether or not this constant creative expression that is occurring on the internet is truly a good thing.
An argument against mass sharing is that people believe eventually all performances will fade into each other and be classified as all the same. Every thing will be looked at as average talent because everyone has the tools and ability to create something: Mediocrity, it’s argued that true talent will be harder to find when it is surrounded by millions and millions of average talent. As a result, people will stop searching for next level talent because they will be satisfied with the mass amounts of average. It used to be that only the most talented people could make a movie, or record a hit song. Now, everyone can. The movie press pause play does a great job of showing this “If everyone is making mediocre music then the world is going to be covered in gray goo. If everyone is making mediocre music then the world is going to be covered in mediocrity and people become comfortable with that mediocrity.” (Dworsky, Kohler ). The video I posted below shows mediocrity at its finest, this video about a baby biting a finger has almost a billion views and yet it was such a simple thing to create. The fact of the matter is, people are only seeing average stuff. “People pay attention to only a small amount of information available to them” (Wilson, Wilson),it would just be impossible to look through millions and millions of songs to find a truly amazing artist or producer.

Regardless of all the media being produced, and all the average talent and videos out there, people still have the chance to shine and some of it is still art. In the video below, this musician named Trevor Hall shows how artistic he is, not only with music, but he is a passionate person who makes art in many different ways. So regardless of the advances made in technology, he has found a way to break out from the rest of the crowd. But this does not mean other stuff on the internet is not art just because it isn’t as complex or doesn’t have as much views as another video, in the movie press pause play, it talks about how “the human spirit when it is allowed to express itself, will usually make interesting things. When human make stuff, they tend to make interesting things. Give a human a hammer and a piece of wood, or a computer and broadband and they are going to make something interesting”.  (Dworsky, Kohler). Obviously, we do not use hammers and nails anymore, we humans use the latest and greatest electronics. But you can argue that things are improving, and this would not be considered mediocrity, but democratization. Overall, the entire intent has evolved and reached democratization and now almost everyone has an opportunity to share their specific art with the entire world. Essentially, we reached that point in our EPS cycle,  our “nations has broken through the barriers of poverty and illiteracy, the media enters the popular stage and can be enjoyed by the mass culture” (Wilson, Wilson) this explains that what we see every day is art, not a average video or movie, but art expressed in many different forms. This video has very little views on youtube, however, it gave this amazing young artist a chance to take the spotlight.

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